Designing and building “things” is a personal passion since my childhood, first with LEGO's and later with software things. Software made me wonder about how to build with intangible things, with almost no plasticity and no constraints. How to handle with software design issues?
I embraced design patterns and the patterns community immediately, a community gathering researchers and practitioners, experts and novices, from academia and industry, all devoted to discover, write, and share proven practices of software design (and more), by practitioners to practitioners. Many in this community were highly influential in my research, practice, community service, and teaching, since I first met them, in 1998, until today. Thank you all!
Today, “software is eating the world,” wrote Marc Andreessen in an essay in The Wall Street Journal in 2011, with businesses consuming a lot of software, impacting individuals and humanity, on an unprecedented scale. As software professionals and educators, we have a big responsibility to make software easier to develop, use understand, but also to keep it meaningful and humane.
In this space, I will try to share a little of my journey through software, and beyond, by unarchiving old content (wiki, pages) and creating new one.
Keep in touch!

Ademar Aguiar
Assistant Professor, FEUP ‐ DEI
Senior Researcher, INESC TEC
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n
4200-465 Porto — Portugal